What is Feet First?

Forging Resilient Youth Through Movement & Mindset

Feet First is a licensed 501(c)3 organization, founded in 2017, committed to transforming the lives of disengaged students in schools. We provide an innovative approach that combines Social Emotional Learning (SEL), cardio boxing, and mindfulness classes to build character, discipline, confidence, and coping skills. Our program aims to help students stay in school, be passionate about life, and set goals.

Named California Non Profit of the Year 2024!

We've implemented pilot programs in over 30 schools throughout California. These pilots served as invaluable testing grounds for our program, specifically designed to enhance the well-being of at-risk youth. Through these pilots, we've been able to demonstrate the tangible benefits of our program in improving the mental health outcomes of students facing various challenges. If this is a movment you are intrested in joining click the link below.

Who can benefit from our program?

Feet First works primarily in schools, engaging students in a combination of physical exercise and a social-emotional curriculum that together create the optimal conditions for learning. We reach students who do not typically respond well to traditional forms of school-based counseling or therapy, helping them achieve positive life trajectories and improve their relations at home, at school, and in their communities.

Who can benefit from our program?
Students on the Verge of Dropping Out or Suspension

Students on the Verge of Dropping Out or Suspension

Students who are teetering on the edge of disengagement from school due to academic difficulties, behavioral problems, or personal circumstances can benefit significantly from our program. By providing a supportive group setting, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and emotional well-being among students. Our program is well-suited for students who may be experiencing emotional turmoil, facing challenges in their interpersonal relationships, or struggling to cope with stressors in their lives.

How it works?

Feet First teaches a mindful cardio boxing curriculum to help youth develop discipline, insight and health coping strategies. We provide an innovative 36-week curriculum instruction where students meet weekly during regular instruction hours with our experienced coaches. Classes include tailored group discussion, conflict resolution, restorative justice and wellness support. Aligned with CASEL standards, students participate in regular assessments to track progress towards social-emotional learning benchmarks.

How it works?
Why Cardio-Boxing?

Why Cardio-Boxing?

Cardio boxing is a great way to develop discipline by learning foot and handwork combinations. Students have fun while challenging their minds and bodies to learn sequenced movements. Why mindfulness? Feet First integrates mindfulness into our teaching approach to help students gain insight into their emotions and thought patterns in real time. As students learn to name their thoughts and feelings, they can start to make healthy decisions and choose effective coping strategies to handle the daily stressors of life.

News, Events, and Fundraising Updates

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After completing the program during the 2023-2024 school year our students in the Bay Area reported


Increase In academic effort


Increase in ability to name emotions In real time


Increase in making healthy decisions


Increase in taking effective actions towards their goals.


Increase in healthy coping and strategies.

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